Thursday, 20 October 2011

Day 352 South Africa 20/10/2011, Sabie Backpackers, Sabie. Illness in the camp!

Maybe it was the takeaway, or maybe it was just one of those non-specific illnesses, but at 4am I woke feeling dreadful. The rest of the night became a constant run to the toilet, which left me in the morning aching and shivering.

While Debs went about her day, I spent most of it under the duvet feeling sorry for myself. I forced myself to wander into town with Debs this afternoon which probably helped a little. After another rest I got up feeling a little better and a nice dinner has worked wonders.

For her part, Debs has been busy today emailing, planning our route and checking on potential accommodation. She wisely elected to keep out of the way, as I am a notoriously bad patient!

Hopefully I will be fighting fit tomorrow as we have another steep, although this time much shorter, day ahead of us. We at least will have the beautiful scenery to keep us going which should include a stop to look at a waterfall.

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