
Saturday 22 January 2011

Day 126 Turkey 22/1/2011, Antalya. A trip to the museum.

The rain was still falling when I woke this morning, so I was the only one who braved having breakfast outside. Admittedly I was under cover, I wouldn't want my bread and olives to get wet!

By the time I had eaten my body weight in olives the rain had eased. If there was ever a day to visit the museum this seemed like it. I had considered waiting for Debs to get back before I went, but she doesn't really have much of a love of museums. More of an outdoor action girl!

Rather than take the tram, I walked the few kilometres to the museum. The tram only goes every half hour and takes approximately as long as I did to walk, plus I have my cyclist physique to maintain!

The first part of the museum is a collection of small finds from the many surrounding archaeological sites. It is the next part that makes Antalya museum so interesting. Within the next few halls they have collected many of the beautifully preserved statues and carved tombs from nearby Perge. The original settlement must have been quite a sight to see when all of the statues were in place. It also makes a change that for once they aren't all housed in the British Museum. You get quite used to seeing little signs in museums saying 'this is a replica the original Is kept in the British Museum'.

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I had forgotten how impressive the collection is, I may have to visit again with Debs when she gets back.

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On the way back from the museum, I managed to find a replacement for my old fleece. No longer will I be known as Matt short sleeves, or at least until this one shrinks in the wash!

Fingers crossed it looks like the weather forecast isn't entirely accurate, as there has been no more rain. All being well I may go for a short bike ride tomorrow, having to ride out of the city every time is slightly demoralising though. It is much easier knowing that you aren't coming back. Still as Debs has got our Syrian visas, we will soon be back on the road.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. The museum looks very impressive...I might have to give it a go when I get back. Good news that you have found a new fleece; no more 'Matt short sleeves' ;) Can't wait to see you and to get back on the road (with Toad) xx
