
Thursday 6 January 2011

Day 110 Turkey 6/1/2011, Kumluca–Kemer. 30.42miles/49.72km, 3hr34minutes, Av 8.6mph.

Unfortunately the good night's rest didn't really happen and my calf muscle was no better by morning. Nevertheless we got packed up and started to head up the 9km hill that would presumably lead to another steeper one.

Provided we didn't go too quickly, my leg with the addition of a knee support was holding up. I think I must have twisted it, because every time I rotated my lower leg it hurt. Fortunately we are a little ahead of where we expected to be and have time on our side. Our original plan was to stay in Olympos for a couple of days, but to ensure that we get to Antalya in good time we have decided to forgo that plan. We have both been to Olympos before and the detour would involve a steep hill in and then a steeper one out.

We have already checked our route on (a site primarily for creating GPS data, that shows distance and the altitude of your chosen route) and even taking the main road route we have to climb three substantial hills before the road flattens out.

MattDebs0788UKtoZA MattDebs0789UKtoZA

The hill that we set off on, thankfully only had a 6% gradient so albeit slowly we eventually made it to the top. The road then continued to wend its way along the hill side, the view was truly beautiful. At times like this, when the sun is shining, the scenery is amazing and the climb has made you feel like you are on top of the world, then I honestly believe there is no better way to travel.


Our luck has been in the last few days, for once got its elevation data wrong and the three climbs never materialised. The road instead headed down quite steeply and we only had to endure a few minor ups on our way to arriving in Kemer. The only slight issue with the hills not being there, is that we are now one day ahead of schedule. Not that there is any reason to get upset about not having to climb a hill!

Riding into Kemer we were hoping to find a camp-site, but according to the people we asked there isn't one, so we are in a small guest-house. At least I will get to rest my leg properly tonight.

Kemer is one of those towns that is probably familiar to anyone who takes package tours to Turkey, but we hadn't heard of it at all. Nevertheless after a wander round the town and along the pebbly beach, we found it to be a pleasant enough place. It does appear to have a lot of Cyrillic signs on the shops though, so we assume it is very popular with the Russians. As a stopping off place we couldn't have chosen any better, although a camp site would have been nice.

Choosing a small local restaurant, we had a nice inexpensive dinner and then headed back to our room with a few beers to watch a film.

Antalya is now less than 60km away and it looks like we will be following a relatively flat coast road. We may stop at a beach side camp-site tomorrow (assuming one is open) or head on to Antalya a day early.

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